Joan closing an écluse gate. Proper etiquette is for us to tie to the side opposite the éclusier so we can do half the work. |
May 12 - Vanneaux to Decize - Another Aire provided by the community for RVs and bateaus at Vanneaux. There was no charge for moorage or even electricity and water. The town of Gannay-sur-Loire was only a couple of kilometers away and had a boulangerie. The walk was nice and returning to the boat the promised rain began. On our return walk we stopped at the public restroom and it was like we were back on our first French canal boat trip in the early 90s. The bathroom had the urinals in the public co-ed portion and when you went to the private toilet area it was a French squatter. On top of that we had manual écluse who's doors were hand operated and the gates that controlled water flow in and out were hand cranked. And, to top it off there were real PK markers every kilometer (PK stands for Le point kilométrique). Occasionally we’d see one or two along a canal, but this was every KM.
Gray Heron rookery along the left bank of the Canal latéral a la Loire
The Heron is Joan's spirit bird, they are always a treat to see while exploring. We'd noticed an absence of Gray Herons all morning. Coming around one of the last bends before Decize we came across a Heron rookery. There were at least eight nests in treetops, each with chicks looking out at us, preparing to protect our journeys ini future years.
We arrived in Decize just in time for lunch. Great marina and staff. When I checked in with the Capitainerie I scheduled us for Gazoil that afternoon. When it was our turn we pulled into the slip and the fuel dock attendant did everything for us - it was like going to a gas station in the early 60s, except we didn’t get our windows washed. The afternoon was spent walking the streets of the old town and stopping for a café au Lait. Dinner that night was at the Marina Restaurant, great food at a fair price - We’ll be back.
La porte du Marquis d'Ancre The last of the entrances to the old walled city of Decize |
May 13 - Layover in Decize. Time to provision for the coming stretch that will have us going days between grocery stores. Provisioning done we relaxed till dinner time. Returned to the restaurant only to find you need reservations. Oh well - we walked back into the old town and found an outdoor table at a brasserie. Heard English being spoken at the table behind us - turned out it was a group of Canadians riding the tow path trail along the canals. They’d been held up for six days waiting for their bikes, but seemed to have gotten over it and were enjoying the ride
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